This beautiful animated movie with great characters,music and direction tells a story of Sword and a place called Camelot. The villain is very good along with his henchmen. Leann rimes version of looking through your eyes is amazing!!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I was shocked, surprised, and flabbergasted by the negative reviews I would see on the web. I thought that this film, a very, very good Arthurian movie, along with Walt Disney's classic "The Sword in The Stone;" and the musical "Camelot" starring Richard Harris & Vanessa Redgrave.This film has everything: a very good story, excellent music, and that's one thing I love about a movie is a very good soundtrack; and excellent voice casting too. I love Kayley, and her desire to carry on the tradition of her father in the excellent song On My Father's Wings was a great scene in the film. I also love the song "The Prayer" too. The song became popular among artists like the Celtic Woman - I don't understand why a popular song would come from a film that people thought it was awful.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I know I gave this movie a higher rating then it probably deserves. Well lets just say this movie is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I actually really like it. I see its faults and still don't care. I think I was seven when this came out but I really don't think I seen it till a bit later in life. I enjoyed the characters, for the most part the songs,the plot, and the world that was created. I eventually plan to buy this movie but it's one that can wait. Which shows that I don't love it, just find it to be one of the better kids movies. Or put it this way. An old kids movie that wasn't made by Disney that I consider to be good. :)